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Recruiter of the Year 

This year we would like to honor the recruiter who we feel best exemplifies our values and showed the most success with their recruiting process.

The award goes to:

Denise Bradford

Click here to read her bio.

What True North employees have to say:

“She exemplifies a great recruiter. She is organized, professional, knowledgeable, servant minded, etc. She handles a high volume of workload and with little or no guidance necessary. She sets the bar high!”

“Denise always exhibits the qualities of a good recruiter. She is persistant, on the ball, finds the information she needs and treats everyone great.”

“She is good at what she does, it has been a pleasure to watch her excel at her job. She is focused, never gives up, and loves a challenge!”

“Denise is a driven, hard working, and focused recruiter who requires little oversight. There is no search that she won’t tackle regardless of the difficulty. At times when many other recruiters will abandon a search Denise will persist and always finds a way to come up with a great candidate. She does a fantastic job of building long lasting and trusting relationships with her clients and candidates.”

For more True North News, Click Here.

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