Patient, all knowing, and consistent are You Lord God! You are our compass, our direction, our purpose. Like any navigational tool it can only be effective when in use. Forgive us for keeping you stored away and out of use. We seek to fulfill our own desires and fail to rely on you. Occasionally, exhausted, we come to you for wisdom, direction, and understanding. Won’t we learn to seek you first? Don’t we know that the greatest navigational tool is always at our immediate disposal? Why then do we chart our own course, wearing a blindfold nonetheless?
You are patient, and our toils in self-service do not deter your love and care for us. Many never seek your will and the contentment they seek seems always out of reach. Others, like me, come to you exhausted by their own pursuits. Broken, they are like a cultivated field ready to take the seed. Others have always known you, trusted you, and sought your will first. Although they may not all be dressed in the finest of material possessions, what they have cannot be bought. Contentment, peace, joy, and satisfaction are the bounty they harvest, but their greatest treasure is in eternity.
Forgive us when our lives more resemble Sarah (Sarai) and Esau. We want immediate gratification and are willing to obtain it even through the sacrifice of our inheritance. We seek you so that we may overcome the urges of the immediate and stay focused on the greater prize. Help us to be more like Abraham and Isaac. May we be described as faithful, patiently ready to accept your will for our lives. Keep at bay our desires for the deceptive and unfulfilling spoils of today. Give us patience for what is everlasting. In your holy name, Amen!
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