Great, holy, and eternal Father the concept of grace is so hard for us to grasp. You are like the host who offers his guests incredible hospitality. We can accept this gift and stay with you without the need to feel as though we must repay this unwarranted blessing. May we be overtaken with a gratitude that motivates us to pay it forward by showing this same grace and acceptance to (all) others, in love and without obligation. Remind us that you are modeling for us only what you desire us to model for each other. Help us to recognize and seize the countless opportunities in our daily lives to demonstrate your grace to others, especially those outside of our zone of comfort. The pace of our lives, fear, prejudice, and selfishness cause us to fail frequently in this endeavor. Remove these stumbling blocks, make pure our hearts and our motives and give us hearts committed to be the loving hands and feet of Christ until His return. Gives us the strength and stamina to serve others regularly and not just when it is convenient. Unite us all in this attitude, not thinking of what we will get in return. We praise you and are humbled by your grace. May we be motivated to make You proud above all things. We lift up those people and things that cause us to worry, be concerned, become gripped with fear, and cause us to fail to remember your Grace. – Amen!
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