My Prayer – Faith Like Moses 

Lord God, you are almighty, wise, and eternal. You are so great we struggle to find a word or concept that encompasses you. Like the depth of the universe and expanse of the skies, you are infinite. Forgive us for our lack of faith and trust. You created us, and You have always taken care of us, just as we have our own children. Yet, we are gripped by fear of the uncharted waters of our personal “unknown”. We are inhibited from truly achieving the greatness You have architected for our lives. We thank you for the inspiring story of Moses. May we find the same faith and trust in You that he came to know and demonstrate (Hebrews 11:27). Reassure us with Your Holy Spirit! Help us to be intimate with You, trust You, and be encouraged by You just as Moses. Your blessings we seek for the lives of all. Let us know peace, joy, and contentment. We lift this and our prayers for those close to us in Jesus’ name. -Amen

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