If you’re reading this article, you’re more than likely in the interview process to land a new job. Here are out top interview tips for success!
Interview Tip #1: Preparation
Research the company, the department and the role. Know the flattering points of the company and use these points to illustrate your interest. Know yourself and your accomplishments; review your resume beforehand and have a clean, error-free copy with you. If possible, have an itinerary on who you will meet with (names and titles). Be prepared to give examples of how you can add value to the company.
Interview Tip #2: Professionalism
Remember the interview starts before you get there. Be on time (early) and have the appropriate dress and supplies. It is never inappropriate to over dress for a business interview (no tuxedos). Remember, everyone is an important employee of the company, impolite behavior toward the security guard or receptionist can ensure this will be your last visit. Make eye contact, smile and offer a firm handshake when appropriate. During the interview, convey confidence by speaking clearly and sticking to the point. Be grateful and appreciative of their time and opportunity.
Interview Tip #3: Buyer/Seller
There are two roles interviewees play, “buyer” of the company and “seller” of themselves. Determining if the company and the position are a good fit is important; however, it is most important to realize the process and the place to buy. One must always sell themselves first, demonstrate and convince the employer to hire in order to create an interest that warrants your buyer questions. Remember to show an interest in the company, its bragging points, and the culture. After an interest has been created, be assured the interview process will allow time for all of your buyer inquiries.
Interview Tip #4: Compensation
There will be plenty of time to discuss total compensation, so don’t ask too soon about salary, benefits and financial information. Typically this will be discussed in detail with an HR representative, along with corporate benefits, policies, expectations, etc. Sell yourself first and then discuss what it would take to get you on board.
Interview Tip #5: Negativity
Never express negative feedback on past employers or co-workers. Most environments have small circles and you never know how small and who they might know. Most employers want to feel like you are “running to” them for a great opportunity not “running away” from a bad one. Employers may also wonder how you would represent their company, and whether your negativity would extend to your new role.
Interview Tip #6: Energy
People want to work with other people who are excited and passionate about their work. Most interviews are conducted for personality reasons; technical experience can be illustrated on paper but someone’s personality cannot. Be friendly, courteous and have a comfortable demeanor. Remember that your goal is to win the job or at least secure a second interview and an offer.
Interview Tip #7: Logic
Employers want their company to be purposeful; they also want your past decisions to have some logic, not chance or coincidence. Be able to answer and justify any past employment changes, job tenure issues, educational choices, career moves, relocations, future intentions and ambitions. These answers, when prepared and practiced can leave a very confident or a strong sense of uncertainty in their minds.