10 Tax Season Memes To Get You To The Finish Line 

Everyone loves a good meme and tax season memes are no different. Laughter helps us slug through the mounds of paperwork and hectic deadlines. So, if you’re staring down the barrel of your busiest months of the years, here are some hilarious memes.

#1. First, A Word Of Caution

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Some clients have you thinking, how did you get this far without being audited? Therefore, you just need to laugh at the things people think they can get away with writing off their taxes. People are afraid of audits, but proper filing and receipts will save you from that fate.

#2. Tax Season Memes About 80 Hour Work Weeks

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The most interesting man in the world commercial for Dos Equis beer was amazing. The commercial spawned millions of memes like this one about working during tax season, for instance. I don’t always share memes, but when I do, they are tax season memes.

#3. How Many Dependents Did You Say You Have?

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It happens every year, people claimed dependents they didn’t have on their W2s to have larger paychecks. Then, they are surprised when they don’t get a return. How many funny customer service memes related to tax season can you find? This was our favorite, but we’d love to see yours. Leave a comment with your best tax season jokes.

#4. Excuse Me, Is That A Shoebox?

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If you bring in a shoebox, then you should know we are silently judging you. How many hours do you think we’d get back if everyone were organized? This isn’t even a joke, you wouldn’t believe how many shoeboxes come through the door. It’s 2021, so it’s time to go digital my friends.

#5. We Love To Eat During Tax Season

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Food fixes everything, so bring on the catered lunches in the office. Food gives us comfort, as a result, we need all the tacos. Having snack days or free lunches for your tax preparation staff is always appreciated. The real question becomes, do we want pizza or tacos?

#6. Taxes Are The Real MVP Of Crime Fighting

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Above all, the IRS will get their money. When nobody else could get notorious mobster Al Capone, his taxes did him in. Accountants, CPAs, and other tax prep staff will love this reminder of how important they are. In fact, catching mobsters is where the phrase “follow the money” comes from. Ill-gotten gains are hard to hide and many criminals hate paying taxes because of it. And now you know everything you need to know about tax season’s relationship to the mafia.

#7. Tax Season Memes About People That File Solo

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First, tell me how simple it is to file taxes on your own. Then, show me your paperwork so I can prove I would have saved you money. Many people choose to file their personal or small business taxes on their own. As a result, they lose out on deductions we could have found for them. Smile and nod when people tell you how easy it is to file online for free.

#8. Come To Think Of It, Tax Season Is A Bit Like The Hunger Games

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Tax season can feel a little like a season of the Hunger Games because it’s relentless. Read at least one meme a day to help reduce stress and share with a friend. Everyone loves to wait until the last minute to set their appointment. Have you ever noticed that? Panicking won’t help, so you might as well giggle.

#9. This Is Fine.

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Your family and friends who are not in the tax business probably have no idea what you go through. This image of Rambo could help sum it up for you. He looks like he’s been through a war all by himself but he’s still giving the thumbs up. Tax preparers are a bit like this because they just keep trucking! Share this with a friend to get a little empathy going at your next happy hour.

#10. Tax Season Meme For The Final Day

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The best thing about tax season is that it ends. It might feel like a rollercoaster ride that lasts three and half months, but it ends. Once you’ve come this far, all you can do is laugh it off. Take a few vacation days and do something nice for yourself., because you earned it.

Wrapping Up Tax Time Memes

Send these memes to your staff in a weekly email to add a little levity and brighten up their day. Did you know that laughing releases endorphins in the brain that make us feel good? Therefore, memes can be counted as wellness!

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